Friday, September 11, 2009

Origami for Parts Separation

I knew I'd ignite a **** storm with my last topic and sure enough I did. Easily the most commented on post of my blog, with a pretty decent discussion going on about the 'physics' (or lake thereof) in the Gundam Universe.

Moving on to something much simpler but still dealing with physics in another manner... Origami.

I learned how to make this box when I was 9 years old and I never forgot how. I decided to make a couple out of some useless flyers we had sitting around at my parents place so I could separate my parts for painting. Back at my apartment I have boxes and bags and everything I need for parts separation, not to mention the space but back home... well I just improvised a bit to make things easier on myself.

What's that? You don't know how to make one? You want to make one too? OK, take a look.

How To Make An Origami Star Box

Of course I learned this from a book years ago... before there was even an 'internet' (God I'm old.) never mind streaming video. If you're anything like me, once you learn it you won't forget and you'll be able to make one from any kind of paper, any time you want.


  1. Haha, a star box, I've got an origami book with the instructions lying somewhere the house.

    I made a bunch of 'em back in the day, but never quite found a use for them. Now they can finally be put to use. =)

  2. lol, i don't quite like the star box... waste of space xP
    i prefer the squared box instead =D

  3. I like making shuriken then throwing them at whomever is nearby.

  4. astray- ah! didnt know about the square box. now i do and just made one. it is more efficient. not as pretty tho and the inside of the box has loose flaps that get in the way while the star box doesn't. nothing a small piece of tape wont fix. its not bad! i'm glad you brought it up.

    heres the link for those who dont know what im talking about

  5. @BB: Looks like we are back to elementary school days with this post. I personally like small sized plastic box brought from Mitsuwa supermarket. It comes with cover so I don't need to worry about dust gathering on my parts.

    @GunGai: You are definitely back in elementary school days! LOL

  6. lol i saw Ngee Khiong made a lot of these to separate the parts for painting too...
